Analysis on Exposed IoT Assets in China

With the maturity of sensing, computing, and communication technologies, the Internet of Things (IoT) will be more and more widely used in various industries. Gartner, a market research agency, predicts that endpoints of the IoT will grow at a 33% CAGR from 2015 through 2020, reaching an installed base of 20.4 billion units, with almost two-thirds of them consumer applications. Spending on networked consumer and business endpoints will displace non-networked, growing at a 20% CAGR to $2.9 trillion.



【威胁通告】内容管理系统Joomla! 3.7.0 SQL注入漏洞

当地时间5月17日(北京时间5月18日),内容管理系统(CMS)Joomla! 发布通告称修复了一个SQL注入漏洞(CVE-2017-8917)。该漏洞源于3.7.0版本新引入的“com_fields”组件,该组件无需验证,任何人均可访问使用。这意味着,攻击者可以通过直接访问受影响的网站来进行SQL注入攻击,获取密码哈希或者劫持用户的session从而有可能全面控制该网站。

Traceback Analysis of WannaCry Ransomware

Since May 12, 2017, WannaCry has spread on a massive scale around the world, causing significant impacts. Therefore, security firms start to analyze and prevent the spread of this ransomware. Technical personnel of NSFOCUS also analyzed the sample immediately and released a detailed analysis report.

Analysis Report on the WannaCry Sample

The sample exploits the ETERNALBLUE SMB vulnerability or DOUBLEPULSAR backdoor for propagation and infection of the ransomware. The sample first connects to the domain name, to test network connectivity. If the network is reachable, the sample exits; otherwise, the sample carries out subsequent behaviors. Therefore, a reachable domain name can be registered to stop further attacks.


在2016年报道的盗取超过15万韩国用户银行信息的Blackmoon银行木马于2017年又被发现采用了全新的框架模式来对网络银行进行攻击,通过三个分开但又彼此联系的步骤来部署该木马,并进行后续的攻击。这与在2016年的以adware和exploit kits为传播方式的框架完全不同。

