
Drupal官方在2018年3月28日发布sa-core-2018-002 (CVE-2018-7600) Drupal内核远程代码执行漏洞预警,之后一个月内又连续发布两个漏洞,其中包含一个XSS和另一个高危代码执行漏洞sa-core-2018-004 (CVE-2018-7602),此后两个月内互联网上针对Drupal程序的攻击非常频繁,绿盟科技威胁情报中心(NTI)结合安全情报数据,从漏洞披露到利用程序的传播,总结了外界针对Drupal程序的常见攻击手法,对相关态势进行了梳理,希望可以为安全从业人员提供建议和参考。

绿盟科技互联网安全威胁周报 NSFOCUS-18-17

截止到2018年4月27日,绿盟科技漏洞库已收录总条目达到39566条。本周新增漏洞记录136条,其中高危漏洞数量15条,中危漏洞数量104条,低危漏洞数量17条。本期周报焦点漏洞:Drupal远程代码执行漏洞,绿盟科技威胁情报中心(NTI)显示Drupal在全球近1年来有超过12W用量。Drupal 7.x和8.x等版本在实现上均存在安全漏洞,如受到影响需及时下载更新补丁,升级修复,做好防护。

Analysis on Exposed IoT Assets in China

With the maturity of sensing, computing, and communication technologies, the Internet of Things (IoT) will be more and more widely used in various industries. Gartner, a market research agency, predicts that endpoints of the IoT will grow at a 33% CAGR from 2015 through 2020, reaching an installed base of 20.4 billion units, with almost two-thirds of them consumer applications. Spending on networked consumer and business endpoints will displace non-networked, growing at a 20% CAGR to $2.9 trillion.


在2016年报道的盗取超过15万韩国用户银行信息的Blackmoon银行木马于2017年又被发现采用了全新的框架模式来对网络银行进行攻击,通过三个分开但又彼此联系的步骤来部署该木马,并进行后续的攻击。这与在2016年的以adware和exploit kits为传播方式的框架完全不同。

OpenSSH Remote Denial-of-Service Vulnerability Technical Analysis and Solution

OpenSSH contains a memory exhaustion issue during key exchange. An unauthenticated client can increase the memory allocated to each connection on the server to 384 MB, by repeating the KEXINIT process. An attacker can exploit this vulnerability by initiating multiple connections, to exhaust memory resources of the server and therefore lead to a denial of service.