【RSA2018】绿盟在现场 | Day2回顾:网络世界的风险、危机、代价与新思路

8点10分,随着一段RAP,RSA Day2拉开帷幕。这首歌,大意是围绕今天的数字生活,我们需要行动起来关注安全问题。今天RSA主席、微软总裁、McAfee CEO以及美国国土安全部秘书等重量级人物发表了主题演讲,带领大家回首了网络战争的代价,揭露了数字世界的危机,强调了以风险视角看问题的重要性,并传达了面对日益增长的网络危机我们该有的新态度。





Discussion on Designing a Security Incident Response System

As security events emerge in an endless stream, we have realized that only deploying intrusion detection devices and firewalls is hardly enough to constitute a satisfactory enterprise security system. Also, the enterprise security team often finds it more difficult to effectively control the increasingly complicated security situation. Traditional security products generate huge amounts of alert logs, checking of which wears security teams down. Meanwhile, security researchers put forward many a model that centers on data collection, data analysis, and response policies.