Case Study of Removing Malicious Code

What do malicious code and instruction set mean? Do they mean binary executable instructions, scripting languages, word-processing macro languages, or others? Take common malicious code as an example: The malicious code on a server depends on which kind of operating system it runs. Generally, for a Windows system, the malicious code refers to viruses, worms, and trojan, but rootkits for a Linux system.


恶意代码清除实战 什么是恶意代码,指令集?是二进制可执行指令?还是脚本语言?字处理宏语言?其他指令集等等……以常见的类型举例,那么如果一台服务器存在恶意代码,windows系列机器的恶意代码一般指的是病毒,蠕虫,木马后门,linux系统机器恶意代码一般就是Rootkit。

