
在计算机系统中,我们是以字节为单位的,每个地址单元都对应着一个字节,一个字节为 8bit。但是在C语言中除了8bit的char之外,还有16bit的short型,32bit的long型(要看具体的编译器),另外,对于位数大于 8位的处理器,例如16位或者32位的处理器,由于寄存器宽度大于一个字节,那么必然存在着一个如何将多个字节安排的问题。

Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 IIS 6.0远程代码执行技术分析与防护方案

3月27日,Zhiniang Peng 和Chen Wu发布了关于IIS 6.0 WebDAV远程代码执行的漏洞信息(CVE-2017-7269,CNNVD-201703-1151)。该漏洞源于Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2的IIS 6.0 中WebDAV 服务下ScStoragePathFromUrl函数存在缓冲区溢出漏洞。如果一个PROPFIND请求中包含以”If: <http://”开头的超长头部,将触发一个缓冲区溢出漏洞,攻击者可以利用此漏洞远程执行任意代码,此利用方法和2016年7-8月份爆出的方法一致。

Apache Struts 2 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (S2-046) Technical Analysis and Solution

In the wee hours of March 21, Apache Struts 2 released a security bulletin, announcing a remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability in the Jakarta Multipart parser, which has been assigned CVE-2017-5638.

Dridex Banking Malware Sample Technical Analysis and Solution

IBM’s X-Force security team recently discovered an updated version of Dridex, called Dridex v4. Dridex is one of the most popular banking trojans. It was first spotted in 2014 when it was viewed as the successor of GameOver ZeuS (GoZ) because it uses GoZ-related techniques. An important improvement in Dridex v4 is that it evades detection antivirus software by introducing the AtomBoming technique for malicious code injection.

Apache Struts2 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (S2-045) Technical Analysis and Solution

Apache Struts2 is prone to a remote code execution vulnerability (CNNVD-201703-152) in the Jakarta Multipart parser plug-in. When uploading a file with this plug-in, an attacker could change the value of the Content-Type header field of an HTTP request to trigger this vulnerability, causing remote code execution.

ElasticSearch 遭遇勒索攻击


