Power Outage Caused by the Cyber Attack on Ukrenergo Technical Analysis and Solution

Ukrenergo, a major energy provider in Ukraine, experienced a power failure on the night of December 17, 2016, which involved the automatic control system of the “North” substation in New Petrivtsi close to Kiev. The blackout affected the northern part of Kiev, the country’s capital, and surrounding areas.



【威胁通告】TP-Link C2和C20i命令注入拒绝服务等漏洞

日前,pierrekim.github.io网站发布了一个安全通告,公布了固件版本为“0.9.1 4.2 v0032.0 Build 160706 Rel.37961n”的TP-Link C2和C20i产品的多个漏洞。漏洞包括命令注入(需要身份认证)、拒绝服务以及不安全的默认配置。

