2016 NSFOCUS Security Report Regarding Network Video Surveillance Systems

With the robust development of the Internet of Things (IoT), more and more security issues are found with IoT devices. These imminent threats, especially those from network video surveillance systems (NVSSs) that account for a large majority of IoT devices, have drawn attention from security professionals from home and abroad. (In this paper, network video monitors (NVMs), web cameras, and digital video recorders (DVRs) are all referred to as NVSSs.)

Nginx Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability Technical Analysis and Solution

On November 15, 2016 (local time), legalhackers.com released an advisory about a privilege escalation vulnerability, assigned CVE-2016-1247, found in the Nginx server. Nginx web server packaging on Debian-based distributions, such as Debian or Ubuntu, was found to allow creating log directories with insecure permissions.





2016 年上半年中国网站安全报告


【漏洞通告】Apache HTTPD拒绝服务漏洞

2016年12月5日(当地时间),seclists.org网站发布了一条关于Apache网页服务器拒绝服务漏洞的消息,漏洞编号为CNNVD-201612-069。该漏洞存在于mod_http2模块中,这是从Apache HTTPD 2.4.17版本开始引入的关于HTTP/2协议的模块。