Analysis Report on the WannaCry Sample

The sample exploits the ETERNALBLUE SMB vulnerability or DOUBLEPULSAR backdoor for propagation and infection of the ransomware. The sample first connects to the domain name, to test network connectivity. If the network is reachable, the sample exits; otherwise, the sample carries out subsequent behaviors. Therefore, a reachable domain name can be registered to stop further attacks.

German Internet Outage on November 27 Technical Analysis and Solution

On November 27 (Sunday), at around 17:00 (local time), Deutsche Telekom was hit by a cyberattack, resulting in more than 900,000 routers getting disconnected, as confirmed by the company. The outage lasted several hours. Later, the problems continued on Monday morning from 08:00. Besides network access, the affected routers are used by Deutsche Telekom customers for fixed telephony and TV services.