绿盟科技互联网安全威胁周报NSFOCUS -2019-28


Apache Solr中存在反序列化远程代码执行漏洞,该漏洞源于5.0.0到5.5.5和6.0.0到6.6.5版本中,Config API允许通过HTTP POST请求配置JMX服务器。

绿盟科技互联网安全威胁周报NSFOCUS -2019-27

截止到2019年7月5日,绿盟科技漏洞库已收录总条目达到43663条。本周新增漏洞记录46条,其中高危漏洞数量26条,中危漏洞数量19条,低危漏洞数量1条。在Apache HTTP Server 2.4版本2.4.37和2.4.38中,当使用TLSv1.3进行每位置客户端证书验证时,mod_ssl中的错误允许客户端绕过已配置的访问控制限制。成功利用此问题可能允许攻击者绕过某些安全限制并执行未经授权的操作。

绿盟科技互联网安全威胁周报NSFOCUS -2019-26


在5.1.1之前的Linux内核中,arch / powerpc / mm / mmu_context_book3s64.c对于powerpc有一个错误,在这种情况下,不相关的进程可以通过512 TB以上的mmap在某些条件下读/写彼此的虚拟内存。本地攻击者可以利用此问题获得提升的权限。目前厂商还没有提供补丁程序

Traceback Analysis of WannaCry Ransomware

Since May 12, 2017, WannaCry has spread on a massive scale around the world, causing significant impacts. Therefore, security firms start to analyze and prevent the spread of this ransomware. Technical personnel of NSFOCUS also analyzed the sample immediately and released a detailed analysis report.

Analysis Report on the WannaCry Sample

The sample exploits the ETERNALBLUE SMB vulnerability or DOUBLEPULSAR backdoor for propagation and infection of the ransomware. The sample first connects to the domain name http://www.iuqerfsodp9ifjaposdfjhgosurijfaewrwergwea.com, to test network connectivity. If the network is reachable, the sample exits; otherwise, the sample carries out subsequent behaviors. Therefore, a reachable domain name can be registered to stop further attacks.

Power Outage Caused by the Cyber Attack on Ukrenergo Technical Analysis and Solution

Ukrenergo, a major energy provider in Ukraine, experienced a power failure on the night of December 17, 2016, which involved the automatic control system of the “North” substation in New Petrivtsi close to Kiev. The blackout affected the northern part of Kiev, the country’s capital, and surrounding areas.



Nginx Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability Technical Analysis and Solution

On November 15, 2016 (local time), legalhackers.com released an advisory about a privilege escalation vulnerability, assigned CVE-2016-1247, found in the Nginx server. Nginx web server packaging on Debian-based distributions, such as Debian or Ubuntu, was found to allow creating log directories with insecure permissions.